Shock Tubes & Shock Tunnels
Shock tubes
Shock tubes Shock tubes Shock tubes Shock tubes

Shock Tubes & Shock Tunnels

We manufacture Shock tubes which are used to replicate and direct blast waves at a sensor or a model in order to simulate actual explosions and their effects, usually on a smaller scale.

Shock tubes are also used to investigate compressible flow phenomena and gas phase combustion reactions.

We have expertise in manufacturing shock tubes as small as 25mm to as large as 200mm. These tubes are precisely machined for high pressure and high shock applications

Test models size from 10mm to as large as 150mm can be mounted on these test sections

Provided on Operational, Safety Standards, Data Acquisition and Data Post processing.


Tube Internal Diameter Mach number achievable Burst Disk Burst Pressure Sensors Data Acquisition System Vacuum Pump Gasses
25mm - 200 mm 1- 3.5 Mach. Mylar, Aluminium, Stainless Steel 2 BAR to 400 BAR High Frequency Pressure Sensors USA Make 4 Channel, 8 Channel, 16 Channel, DAQ. Ultimate vacuum -760mmhg Nitrogen or Helium